In addition to periodic updates which you receive if you are subscribed to our newsletter, we have launched this blog to give Download Surgeon customers and visitor more timely updates about the product. In addition the commenting format will give you the opportunity to leave comments and ask questions. This interactive format will give you a chance to provide us with feedback.
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2 Responses
This is the link that is provided in the most recent email about Download Surgeon.
Obviously is doesn’t work. Only doing a Bing search reveals the proper link. You might want to send out an email with the correct link.
Other than that, I am not sure I really like Download Surgeon 3. the download from YouTube through the copy and paste of the URL is like molasses slow. I can watch the actual video in 1/3 of the time it takes to download through DownloadSurgeon.
Hardly worth it to use at this point. I haven’t tried the playlist route, as the downloads would take hours for a several videos.
You are correct. The link was wrong. I decided against sending out a separate email only about this. I will mention the corrected link in the next one that goes out.
As to your comment about speed, no one else has reported an issue or problem. Therefore, until we hear from others, I have to assume that the issue is on your machine. Perhaps there is a firewall or antivirus causing a problem and slowing things down? I’d suggest you contact our help desk and we’ll help you sort this out.
Thanks for your comments.