About/Contact Us

Download Surgeon is owned by by Todd, Michael & James, Inc. (TMJ). TMJ Software owns and operates a number of e-commerce websites, including Song Surgeon, Video Surgeon, Karaoke Surgeon, Audio Switch, and Audio Surgeon. We have been selling products online for over 15 years. They have been sold into more than 150 countries world wide.

TMJ Software provides a full service Help Desk to support all of its products, including Download Surgoen. This Help Desk contains a Ticket System, Knowledgebase, and FAQ's. It also contains the most recent download versions of the software.

Win 10 – Win 11
Mac OSx 11 – 15.X

If you need to reach us, our contact information is as follows:

Mailing Address: DownloadSurgeon
4620 Derby Lane
Doylestown, PA 18902
Email address: info{at}DownloadSurgeon{dot}com
Administrative Phone: 215-766-2887
Tech Support: http://tmj-software.com/helpdesk.html
24/7 Ordering: 215-766-2887