Now You Can Grab Any Audio
or ANY Video from Any Website!


Mac OSx 11 – 15.X
Win 10 – Win 11
Download Surgeon 4

D ownload Surgeon is a tool designed specifically for people that need to download audio or video files from websites on the Internet. It is able to detect and download A/V files from most sites. To accomplish this Download Surgeon has two downloading modules. One of these was designed specificly for Youtube. The second one, called the sniffer module, has a generic functionality and can be used on any website. If for some reason, a file cannot be downloaded from a site, Download Surgeon's third module, a digital recorder, enables audio or video to be recorded as it is played through your browser.

Download Surgeon 4 contains several significant new features which make it more user friendly and broadens its range of detection for downloading from websites. These new features are reviewed below.

Why You Should Begin Using
Download Surgeon Today!

Grab Any File, No Exceptions

Now you can grab any audio or video from any website. Whether you use our direct downloading module or the screen recording tool you get high quality A/V files

Time Saving

No more wasted time trying to find a way to grab or download something, only to look at your watch and find out you've just blown two hours with nothing to show for it.

Video to Mp3 (or audio)

You can strip audio from any video file and save it as an mp3, or wav, or most other common audio file formats

Mobile Compatibility

Regardless of whether you grab audio or video, you can save it in most of the common file formats. That means it will be compatible with your phone, tablet,iPad, iTunes, Google Play, etc.

Sniffer Downloader Module

The Sniffer Module has been completely re-engineered from the ground up to accomplish two specific objectives. One is to broaden its A/V detection capabilities on a larger number of sites. In Version 3, this module worked on approximately 70% of sites. Our early testing shows that Version 4 is working on over 80% of sites tested.

The second objective was to make the Sniffer Module more user friendly. In Version 3, any and all A/V files detected were inventoried in a dialog window. It was sometimes difficult to determine what link was for what video file. Version 4 solves this problem by placing a download icon on the frame of the audio or video file that is playing. This allows you to see and choose the precise file you want to download.

If you are a previous customer, you will recall the OS Downloading Module, in earlier versions. In Version 4, this module has been removed and the downloading functionality for the sites covered by that module have been rolled into this Sniffer Module.

YouTube Downloader Module

The YouTube Module has several significant changes and improvements. In Version 4, this module has been implemented two ways. The first is in the same way it worked in Version 3. The second and new way is by using Download Surgeon's built-in browser. This browser approach works very much like the Sniffer module—and it allows us to include several valuable new features that the older version could not accommodate. These are:

  • Download files that required user logins because of age.
  • Downloads all videos in a profile or user account
  • Downloads a segment or clip of a video in addition to the entire video. For example, if there is a 1-hour video and you only want a 30 second clip within it, you will now be able to download ONLY this segment.
  • Downloads a group of videos you have marked as favorites.
  • Downloads your History of viewed videos. This includes the ability to see and choose which videos you'd like to download.
  • Downloads a list of videos you have marked in YT as "watch later" videos.
  • Downloads User created playlists.

SC Recorder Module

The SC Recorder remains largely unchanged from version 3. However, on Mac OS machines we have been able to restore the functionality to this module that had been broken by Apple's newest OS updates.

As in version 3, the SC Recorder is a digital recorder that should be used when an A/V file you are interested in cannot be downloaded using one of the other modules. The use of this digital recording module in those situations means that Download Surgeon provides 100% coverage of all websites.

Other New Features

Integration With Other TMJ Programs

Version 4 will enable you to designate or choose if you want a file downloaded to be opened automatically in another TMJ Product such as Song Surgeon, Video Surgeon or Karaoke Surgeon.

Download Progress Dialog - Drag/Drop Icon

The Download Progress Dialog contains a drag and drop icon that - after downloading is complete - will allow you to click/hold and then drag this file to a different location or onto a program of your choice

Download Later Function

Version 4 allows you to download files immediately or save them for downloading later at a specified time.

Increased Download Speed

Version 4 has a built-in speed enhancer which increase the downloading speed 2-8 fold over older versions. This enhanced speed option is applied automatically to any/all files being downloaded by the program.


The program is now up and running perfectly on my Mac Book! I did not expect you to respond over the weekend. Thank you for correcting my error with such great service!!!

- Dean Reed, USA
DownLoad Surgeon blows the socks off all of its(Download free with all of adv. junk, and trojans) competitors, - the Hi-Def(1080p) features provide the "kick" that viewed video quality can always do with, and Audio is detailed and solid, in particular performs outstanding with 3D Movie downloads.

- Ray, Australia
Wow - I couldn't believe how quickly and efficiently my problem was dealt with and solved. Several back and forth emails to get DS2 up and running on a quite old machine. Awesome software. Thanks Jim!!

- Alan, Canada
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Why You Should Use Download Surgeon
and Not Something Else?

As I am sure you know, there are a ton of products out there that download audio and video from the internet. And that logically leads to the why question. Why Download Surgeon and why not something else?

There are five important answers to this question:

1. When you buy a Downloader you want a product that works! By that we mean a product that works on all sites, without exception. With Download Surgeon that's exactly what you'll have. This includes both direct download options for YouTube, Face Book, Vimeo and other sites, as well as screen and system audio and video recording.

2. Many competitors provide little to no support. Download Surgeon is backed by our full service Support Desk. We use Support Tickets, a Knowledge Base, Trouble Shooters, Remote Assistance, and yes, even use the phone when that is the most efficient means to resolve an issue. Our Help Desk is monitored constantly and responses sent multiple times throughout the day.

3. Many competitors co-install browser plugins, adware, and a variety of other unwanted programs. We do not. We only install what is required to run Download Surgeon, nothing more. And, our software is scanned for Malware, Adware, Viruses and it is digitally signed for your security.

4. Internet based business and products come and go. We are here to stay. We've been on the internet since 2004. We have growing family of products that have been sold to more than 150 countries around the world.

5. Download Surgeon, like all of our products, comes with a 100%, 60 day, money back guarantee. With an overall return rate across all products of less than 1%, it is unlikely you will ever need it, but if you every do, you can rest assured that we stand behind our products.

Our Full Service Support Desk Makes
A Great Product Even Better

Download Surgeon is a great product, but it can be a fulltime job to keep it running. While we have over 10 years of history with this technology and have a proven track record of reliability, we can also tell you that download modules issues are the most challenging programs to maintain. Overactive antivirus programs, firewalls, changes in Operating Systems (OSs), the introduction of new OSs, website changes at places like YouTube, new A/V streaming technologies - all of these and many more affect the ability of Download Surgeon to deliver consistent, reliable functionality.

Unlike our other products that only run on your machine and DO NOT have to interact with other websites, Download Surgeon must work on thousands of websites – and have the ability to find and download A/V files from these sites. And if one of these web sites changes something – and sites are always changing things – this change may break DS4’s ability to work on that site and require us to fix it. This means that our work on DS4 is NEVER finished. We are always working on the code base to keep it working on a large number of sites. It is because of this ongoing and constant need to support Download Surgeon that we are requiring a Support Plan, in addition to your purchase of the product.

Download Surgeon 4

This Support Plan requirement is built into the licensing module; without an active Support Plan DS4 will not run. If you currently have an active DS3 support plan and buy Version 4, we’ll pro-rate this plan and apply it to your purchase of Version 4 automatically.

This Support Plan, which is coupled to your purchase of DS4, means that you always have access to the Support Desk (Knowledge Base Articles, Download Section, and Troubleshooters) And, of course, when you need expert, personalized customer support for, we provide an Incident Support Ticket system and remote assistance sessions, when necessary.

In addition to all of this, there is virtually no learning curve involved when beginning to use Download Surgeon -- its straightforward user interface makes it easier than ever to download exactly what you need to in as little time as possible, and if you have any questions, our written User Guide and Training Videos provide answers to most questions quickly. With Download Surgeon, what you see is what you get...and what you'll get is one pretty great product that you can use for virtually any type of audio or video downloading on the internet!

Get started today, turn the WWW into your own personal, unlimited library of audio and video files, lessons, music, songs, etc. Grab our fully functional demo and taking it for a test drive.